Tuesday, May 06, 2008


TEL AVIV: eve of Yom Hazikaron, the Memorial Day for the Fallen soldiers in all Israel's wars.

The throbbing, noisy street in front of the hotel has steadily been falling silent over the last couple of hours. We watched the sun setting over the Mediterranean from our terrace after a beautiful mild sunny day.

There is no cafe, restaurant or any public place of entertainment open tonight.At 8.00 pm the eerie sound of a siren is heard over the city and over the whole country.
At exactly 11 am, it will be repeated for 2 minutes when the whole country will stop in its tracks.

For us visitors, it is a sobering experience to be here at this time. For the citizens, most of whom have either lost some of their nearest and dearest,- or know someone close to them who is in that position,- this is a very traumatic and sad 24 hours. Memorial candles are lit, even by guests in our hotel.

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