Sunday, February 12, 2006


WUJS Global campaign "Against Hatred""Fight hate with humor" Cartoon Contest
The World Union of Jewish Students in conjunction with editorial cartoonists, Edward Margolis and Noah Crissey, has announced an International Editorial Cartoon Competition for students called “Fight Hate with Humor.” Acting in response to an Iranian contest where students around the world have been invited to join in a global competition to create hate cartoons depicting “A World without Zionism”, “A World without the United States”, and glorifying the “Intifada”, they plan with humor “to stand the Iranians on their heads.”Furthermore, a prominent Iranian newspaper announced the launch of a competition for cartoons on the Holocaust to test whether the West will apply the principle of freedom of expression to the Nazi genocide against Jews as it did to the caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed. ( see CNN article)
According to cartoonist, Margolis, “the whole thing about the Iranian Contest would be hilarious if it weren’t so terrifying.” In that vein, Margolis and his partner, Crissey, submitted their “Iranian College Bowl” spoof in the Iranian Contest. WUJS Chairperson, Viktoria Dolburd states that: "Although cartoons, such as the ones published in the Danish newspaper against the prophet Mohammed may be offensive, nevertheless this is no justification for the recent acts of violence targeting European representatives and citizens worldwide including boycotting products from said countries or burning down embassies". "As the younger generation we have a responsibility to strive for world peace so that our children and grandchildren will have a safer future. The origins of all the local and global conflicts in the world came from hatred. We need to act to reduce hatred, through all means possible just as education, activism, or as in this case, through humor".
Margolis points to the fact that “editorial cartoons in Iran and throughout the Middle East are taken very seriously and are considered to be a barometer of public opinion. Totalitarian governments recognize the power of these strong visual images and through state controlled media use cartoons to manipulate the masses even where literacy is low. Meanwhile, In the U.S., newspapers have actually been eliminating staff editorial cartoonists, and the independence of this once powerful voice has been muted.” Through this contest, Margolis hopes to both stimulate interest amongst would-be student editorial cartoonists and put the U.S. media on notice of the propaganda threat posed by the hate cartoons coming out of Iran.
How can I participate?
Do you or someone you know have a talent at drawing cartoons.....?Are you interested in taking part in the global WUJS campaign designed to teach about the alternatives to negative and aggresive PR throughout the world? The cartoon competition is looking for funny answers/examples of how to fight hatred with humour!
From Febuary, 1st until May 1st you will have the opportunity to submit your cartoons here. Afterwards a jury will select the best cartoons which will be published as part of the global WUJS campaign against hatred. Check us out to find out more about the prizes available to the winners of the competition.
Help WUJS spread the word so that we can successfully fight hate with the help of humor!See also: WUJS promotes "Buying Danish." This wonderful people and their King stood by the Jewish people when it mattered. =========================================================================ZNN is for distributing and getting information about Zionism, Israel, Israeli and Zionist history, Israel advocacy and anti-Semitism. Anti-Zionist and other racist materials not accepted. Contents are solely the responsibility of the posters. This is not a discussion group. Please use our forums for discussions: these web-sites:
Middle east
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