Monday, May 04, 2009

VALE Dick Pratt

When a person is a 'mensch'(a real humamn being in Yiddish) and befriends all,- from the smallest employee to the big and powerful, they stand by you in times of trouble as well as in the good times.
At least one hopes so.
Justice Marcus Einfeld was not so lucky.He may have done a lot of good for the Aboriginal community and perhaps others, but as an individual he was unfortunately not well liked.

Personally, I am happy to see that all the powerful elite stood by Richard at the end. However, the radio and Letters pages in The Age and elsewhere, keep harping about how much money he skimped off everyone in this cartel business.

Well, as a former very small businesswoman I can assure you that this business of "fair competition" is the worst myth perpetrated by the ACCC and everyone who believes them.

Why couldn't we in our retail shop be supplied by wholesalers at the prices the supermarkets were being supplied? We had to buy drinks like Coke, etc. from the supermarkets and sell them dearer of course, if we wanted to make a few cents on them. Then, when we bought a new product to try out, - next thing we knew, the supermarkets, or a bigger customer up the street would put pressure on the supplier not to supply it to us at all!

The big boys always win out over the small ones,- so who is kidding whom?
Consumers might have paid a few cents more per item for the packaging,- which then Visy recycled for everyone to save contaminating the earth with discarded waste.

The public company Amcor dobbed-in the individual businessman, Richard Pratt, - he who tried to give them each a chance not to drive one into the ground because he might be smaller and unable to survive the bigger one's competitive advantage. Big deal!

I am glad that all the VIPs whom Richard befriended and all those whom he helped, understood this very well,- it is only the small-minded who insist that he didn't deserve the adulation he actually received. They will disappear into insignificance, but Richard Pratt's contribution to society will remain into the future.

One just needs to read the hundreds of tributes from his employees to understand what kind of man he must have been. I know individuals whom he helped anonymously.


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